Hello! I AM

This is my personal website to provide prospective clients with an overview of my skillset and past work. If you need help with setting up a website or just support with any other e-commerce, cybersecurity, or business development project, feel free to reach out to me.

About Me

I'm a Management and Computer Science student in my penultimate year of studies. I'm a self-taught web developer and have been expanding my skills into ecommerce and cybersecurity - both fields of business that I'm very drawn too. Below you can find an overview of my skills, experience, and education.

Web Development
Business Development
Managing Partner

ML Emporio (Sep 2022 - Present)

→ Business development and leading expansion into the ANZ-area.

Cybersecurity Intern

FTI Andersch (Apr 2022 - Jul 2022)

→ Development of cybersecurity scoring for the assessment of SME.

Web Developer

Khiron Life Sciences Corp (Aug 2021 - Jun 2022)

→ Development and management of 5 websites in Germany and the UK.

B.Sc. of Economics & Business Administration

Goethe University (Oct 2020 - Jul 2024)

→ Focus on Management and Business Information Systems.

Bachelor of Management & Computer Science

University of Queensland (Jul 2022- Jun 2023)

→ Focus on Entrepreneurship and Cybersecurity.

Chinese language & literature studies

Donghua University (Sep 2019- Jun 2020)

→ Focus on Business Chinese.


Affordable Services

A Private Limited is the most popular type of partnership Malta. The limited liability is, in fact, the only type of company allowed by Companies.

Research & Analysis

Unsure about expanding into a new market or which technologies to use for an upcoming web project?

Web Development

Front-end web development (incl. Bootstrap, Sass, JavaScript), Wordpress Development, Shopify Development.

Project Support

Previous project support experience in auditing solar installation and company information security.

UI/UX Development

We use a customized application specifically designed a testing gnose to keep away for people.

Business Development

Specialized in sales, marketing, international expansion and other strategic business decisions.

Digital Consulting

Formulating a go-to-market strategy and executing a value proposition study (incl. feasability assessment).



I've been able to complete a variety of different projects since 2020. Many projects focused on web development and e-commerce but also on business development and solar system design.


Happy Clients


Projects Done



Project Hours



Years Experience

My Latest Work

Perfect solution for an ideal digital experience

Let's Connect

Looking for help? Fill out the form and I will get in touch with you.

Address :

Brisbane 4000, Australia
Frankfurt a.M. 60306, Germany

Phone :

(+61) 411 708 405

Email :


Let's talk

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